Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mayhem to Come

Greeting from RogueWolf! Hope the journey is treating everyone well. Things are pretty decent here in West Virginia, though it seems as eons have passed since we have had a brilliantly sun filled day. Thus I enshroud myself in darkness and create from my little studio in my ever darkening valley. I have posted two new works lately. One I consider a success (RogueWolf2011)
RogueWolf 2011 by *RogueWolfStudios on deviantARTand one not so much (Worgen Hunter).
Worgen Hunter by *RogueWolfStudios on deviantART I posted both on this gallery link here to learn from my mistakes and take criticism on the nose. I so desperately need honest criticism from my viewers so please feel free to comment openly and not just stroke my ego. Harsh criticism is how I became an artist. It is what drove me to succeed in my schooling. It is what made my painting maestro fabulous. My painting maestro being one Stan (The Man) Sporny. Stan passed away a few years ago and I still miss his guidance and wisdom terribly. He was a poet, artist, political philosopher and over all amazing person. When he ripped my artwork apart I knew his harsh and honest criticism was only to make me better. During my senior portfolio review Stan promised to be by my side. I knew the faculty did not care much for my illustration styled paintings as they were a very liberal abstract campus. The day of my senior review came and when the faculty gathered around my work, Stan left. I received the beating of a lifetime from the faculty. I later asked Stan why he left to which he replied "I just gave you the greatest lesson I could give to stand on your own two feet." Stan Sporny was my personal Yoda. Little did he realize a month later I would be the victim in a head on collision and almost lose my legs. During my rehabilitation his words rang loudly as I was learning to stand on my own two feet quite figuratively and physically. So being a huge Star Wars fan and always doodling with the idea of doing a Yoda painting I am currently researching the connection between all my many teachers and the zen wisdom of the little old green jedi I fell in love with as a child. Sketches will come soon as I believe I have pin pointed a direction for this painting. It should be an interesting and unique take on an old favorite. Beyond this I am planning a painting with my daughter. She has approached me with interest in being a (Queen of Faeries) for a portrait so I will be taking her young mind into the creative realm of Fairy lore. This may be a traditional piece or a digital piece and possibly both. I hope my viewers will find interest in these works to come. Please as always feel free to contact me, critique me or even throw ideas at me for future paintings. I am almost to he point where I can send my portfolio to companies and clients interested in my illustrations. After that the direction of RogueWolf studios should be interesting and non stop action! God Bless~ Jason

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