Thursday, December 1, 2011

Reply to an Article

This is written in reply to the following article (

First fallacy of the argument on this page

Many claim that the Hebrew noun ‘Elohim’, rendered ‘God’ (Strong’s #430) in the first clause of Genesis 1:26, denotes more than one God Person (typically thought of or explained as “3 in 1” or “2 in 1” as in “one” family).  In support they point to the second clause of verse 26, "Let us make man in our image", being plural.  It is true that in both English and Hebrew this second clause contains the plural subject ‘us’ and that this governs the plural verb ‘make’- But these are not governed by ‘Elohim’ (God) of the first clause.  What is not realized, or otherwise mentioned in this issue is that in the first clause, “And God said”, ‘Elohim’ governs the singular Hebrew verb ‘’amer’ (Strong’s # 559), which is rendered ‘said’ in English.  So linguistically there is no basis for claiming that ‘Elohim’ denotes, represents, or contains more than one God Person (entity).
Why does it say, “us” and “our”? 
The Cohortative Mood of Genesis 1:26.
From Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar § 75 l, and from Owens’ Analytical Key to the Old Testament, with James D. Martin’s Davidson’s Introductory Hebrew Grammar page 76, it may be seen that the Genesis 1:26 verbal phrase, “Let us make” is, in both Hebrew and English, the Cohortative or Voluntative mood.  This mood appears not understood by commentators to Genesis 1:26; and readers unfamiliar with the grammatical concept of the Cohortative Mood, are referred to the explanation given at the end of this paper……..In particular the plurality of ‘us’ may not be taken to infer plurality to the speaker God, or even to those God spoke to.
  It has now been shown in different ways that linguistically there is no justification for inferring from “And God said, Let us make…”, that the plurality of ‘us’ extends back to God.  Rather the Cohortative mood demands that God, as the speaker issuing a command, is singular!  This is also attested to by the singular Hebrew verb for ‘said’ (And God said) and the singular pronouns and singular verbs in subsequent verses, which refer back to God of Genesis 1:26
Second fallacy (Elohim or Yahweh)
The Author of the article attempts to separate Elohim and Yahweh. Yahweh is used wherever the Bible stresses God's personal relationship with his people and the ethical aspect of his nature. Elohim, on the other hand, refers to God as the Creator of the whole universe of people and things, and especially of the material world: he was the ruler of nature, the source of all life. This variation of divine names can be seen most dramatically in texts like Psalm 19. In this psalm Elohim is used in the first part, which describes God's work in creation and his relationship to the material world. But in the middle of the psalm the psalmist switches to the topic of the law of the LORD and the relationship the LORD has with those who know him; there the name Yahweh appears.
Accordingly, Genesis 1 correctly used the name Elohim, for God's role as Creator of the whole universe and of all living things and all mortals is what the chapter teaches. The subject narrows immediately in Genesis 2-3, however; there it describes God's very intimate and personal relationship with the first human pair, Adam and Eve. God is depicted as walking and talking with Adam in the Garden of Eden. Therefore Yahweh is appropriately joined to Elohim to indicate that the Elohim of all creation is now the Yahweh who is intimately concerned to maintain a personal relationship with those who will walk and talk with him.
Satan's Lies and his methods
The Author of the article claims that Satan (Lucifer a.k.a the snake in Genesis) did not lie. Lets explore these statements.
Temptation 1 Seed of doubt
Genesis 3:1 The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the LORD God had made. One day he asked the woman, "Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?" Satan created a seed of doubt in Eve’s mind. Now she may have asked herself in response to this question: Why is God withholding this beautiful fruit from me?  Surely, God would not hold back His blessings from me. Did I misunderstand?
Watch the tempters play on words Genesis 2:16-17
And the Lord God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."
Eve added to God's commandment "but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.'" and you must not touch it was added by Eve. Once she saw it was pleasing and then touched the fruit nothing major happened. By her addition to the commandment and the serpents introduction of doubt the spiritual bricks begin to fall apart. 
Gen 3:4  And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
Surely you will not die.
Now that the seed of doubt was planted, Satan contradicted God’s word outright, with ”surely you will not die”.   Eve’s fear of death was removed by this lie. When the consequence of disobedience is removed, sin is meaningless. 
Genesis 3:5  For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.
You shall be like God.
After Satan first questioned the Word of God then openly defied it, he then tempted with a new thought. You will be as God. Doesn’t this speak to our pride. That somehow we are in control of our own life and our destiny without Jesus Christ as our Lord. That God’s plan for our lives is not good enough for us. Our way is better than His way.
Can you see the sequence of these three temptations? Satan first used a suggestion to create doubt,  then he defied scripture and then baited the trap with deity of self.
Gen. 2:16-17 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."
Commentators as far back as pre-Christian Judaism have read this as indicating spiritual, not physical, death. But a literalist critic will say: "That's not what the book says. It says they will die. Nothing is said about a spiritual death."
It has been noted that the literal Hebrew says, "Dying you shall die," which does indicate a "progressive" death. However, even if it did not -- as is the case with many cites where "death" and "die" is used in isolation -- nothing needs to be said because the context says all that is needed. Critics would have us believe that the writer of this story, which forms a literary unity, wrote something so blatantly contradictory in such a short space. Common sense alone therefore supports the "spiritual death" interpretation, but there is more, and this is where we come back to the overall pervasiveness of figurative language in Hebrew, combined with an understanding of the Semitic theological mindset.
The account in Genesis goes on to depict Adam and Eve as losing fellowship with God. To the Hebrew mind, loss of fellowship with God is a fate worse than death, for it was the loss of fellowship with the prime source of peace. Thus the word "death" --- representing the most fearsome and irreversible fate in this life --- was chosen to figuratively describe this loss of fellowship with God.
The story continues as the "first" family is kicked from Eden so that they may not eat of the tree of life. This is actually an act of grace and love upon the "first" family. Humankind in their fallen state if they had eaten from the "tree of life" would have been eternally separated and in a state of fallen nature. This act put into motion the plan of redemption and salvation that would later be completed through Yeshua. Once fellowship is "regained" the promise of eternal life is restored.
When a person reads about Nod in Genesis 4, he often pictures a land where a large group of people already were dwelling by the time Cain arrived. Because the Bible gives this land a name (“Nod”), many assume it was called such before Cain went there. Furthermore, many believe that it was in this land that Cain found his wife. Based upon these assumptions, some even claim that God must have specially created other humans besides Adam and Eve, otherwise there would not have been a land of Nod, nor would Cain have been able to find a wife there. Are these assumptions and conclusions correct? What can be said about these matters?
It is very likely that when Moses wrote the name “Nod” (Genesis 4:16), he was using a figure of speech called “prolepsis” (the assignment of something, such as an event or name, to a time that precedes it). People often use prolepsis for the sake of convenience, so that the reader or audience can better understand what is being communicated. more info here
Yahweh and "Pagans"
the author in the article writes "Jahweh to "learn not the ways of the Pagans..." (Jer 10:2) with detailed descriptions of exactly what it is we do, such as erect standing stones and sacred poles, worship in sacred groves and practice divination and magic. And worship the sun, moon, stars and the "Queen of Heaven." JER 10:2 actually reads "This is what the LORD says: "Do not act like the other nations, who try to read their future in the stars. Do not be afraid of their predictions, even though other nations are terrified by them." 
The queen of heaven is mentioned in the following and one other place in the bible. 
Jeremiah 7:18 (ESV)
18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.

The phrase “the queen of heaven” appears in the Bible twice, both times in the book of Jeremiah. The first incident is in connection with the things the Israelites were doing that provoked the Lord to anger. Entire families were involved in idolatry. The children gathered wood, and the men used it to build altars to worship false gods. The women were engaged in kneading dough and baking cakes of bread for the “Queen of Heaven” (Jeremiah 7:18). This title referred to Ishtar, an Assyrian and Babylonian goddess also called Ashtoreth and Astarte by various other groups. She was thought to be the wife of the false god Baal, also known as Molech

now moving onto the word "Pagan" 

The word 'pagan' is from the latin 'pagus' which means a country district, including country towns and villages. That's as opposed to 'urbus' (like urban) which meant the bigger cities.

We have a few pre-christian uses of paganus, usually used to mean the person was closely tied to the local customs of the place he or she was from. Pre-christian religion often was very locally focused - it was the divine presence in one's home turf that made it one's home, and worship through local customs was the same as loyalty to one's home. So 'pagani' was sometimes used to mean 'devoted to the local ways', in a complementary sense. It often also meant 'hick' in the sense of being local or rural not cosmopolitan.

Christians took up the meaning of "loyal to the old ways", and so did roman vernacular, as christianity became more popular in the empire. By the 3rd or 4th century 'Pagan' was used in the western empire, and 'Hellene' was commonly used in the eastern empire - both used to refer to those who held to the pre-christian religions.

Initially, the reference to pagan supposedly did not have any reference to witchcraft or anything else; this came later. 

the author is speaking entirely in the Old Testament setting. TO THE HEBREW YOU WERE GENTILES! simply put you were any people other than the Jewish nation. Pagan later became a term used after Christianity became established! I love how people claim themselves Pagan yet know nothing of the actual meaning. I am a pagan myself having been born outside of the urban settings of the city. My ancestry is pagan having descended from Norse, Celtic and Native American heritage but I lay no claim to mystical abilities or supernatural powers. So by definition I am pagan. More so than many that claim divine right to the title. I however believe in the son of the Living God and find my self redeemed by His sacrifice…but alas that is a whole subject in and of itself.

The author of the article is attempting to state that because we are not of Adams seed we are not in a fallen state and thus have no original sin "Not being born into sin, we have no need of salvation, and no need of a Messiah to redeem our sinful souls." 

I believe the evidence shows a lineage originating from a single source (adam & eve) I could go into the science and apologetics of this concept but that would take time and text. More so than I have available to me at this moment. 

Original Sin
This one seems pretty simple to me. My kid lies. I never taught them to lie it was a natural occurrence. Sin nature exists in us all. Have you ever lied? Even a little lie? then you are a liar. Have ever stolen anything? No of course not! Well you just admitted you lied so why should I believe you. Ever lusted after something or someone? of course you have BECAUSE IT'S IN OUR NATURE!!!!!! Sin is a part of who we are! Everyone has need of salvation. Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Romans 5:12–14 2 Therefore, just as sthrough one man sin entered the world, and tdeath through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned— 13 (For until the law sin was in the world, but usin is not imputed when there is no law. 14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, vwho is a type of Him who was to come.

(Side not to my feminist friends who scream about Eve getting all the blame please take note of whose sin the Bible refers to….Adam's)

The fact that everybody sins needs some explanation. The best explanation is that we are sinners by nature. Someone might argue that the reason all people sin is because society is sinful, and thus society renders it impossible for anybody to keep themselves entirely pure. But that only pushes the question back one step. How did society get sinful in the first place? If people are born morally good, then how did it come about that they congregated into societies that influence all people to sin?

So we have established several fallacies, misrepresentations and misinterpretations of content concerning the original article. Feel free to begin a discussion concerning my stance. I am out of time so I must end my rebuttal to the above stated article. 

Many of the above is borrowed from several sites and sources. Much of the research and content is not my own and I lay no claim to copyrighted material. I will add a resource and reference list when more time is available

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

REwrite and novel in process

So for the past few weeks I have been doing a huge rewrite on my life's story and the events that surrounded my life changing event of 2004. Please enjoy the preface and the first chapter to this book. It is still in rough draft form so excuse any spelling or literary errors but I would love to hear some feedback. Thanks - IMPORTANT © COPYRIGHT NOTICE All the works on my pages and galleries are protected by copyright laws. All rights are reserved to L. Jason Queen. No use of any kind without my permission. 

The musty odor of Old Main permeated my senses as I entered the aging structure at the center of the Marshall University campus. I climbed the creaking staircase to the third floor having learnt not to trust the elevators of this elder building. The infamous third floor hidden away from the socialite world of Marshall University. This third floor of Marshall's oldest structure was reserved for ghosts, storage, artists and other forgotten things. Out of sight out of mind so they say. Years I had invested on this floor as I studied the career path of a professional artist. Numerous hours had been lost in study with my painting maestro, Stan Sporny. Here wisdom was gained and secrets of the paint were revealed from this master of oils. Stan Sporny, friend, philosopher, artist and professor seemed to rule this domain as if he were part of Old Main. The other professors referred to those of us in search of the master of arts in painting his sporny-o-phites. Stan the one man who preached a conservative stance in a very liberal campus stood out among the masses at Marshall University. He was as gravity pulling those with artistic souls to him. We would sit and listen to his stances and outlooks on life and art. Stan was very much a conservative street preacher. A missionary prophet singing conservative hope to the lost liberals of Marshall's campus. My years of study had come to a close. The day had arrived for my final portfolio review. The review where all the paintings one had completed came under deep and certain scrutiny. I knew my style of painting did not sit well with most of the post modern abstract minded professors on campus. Sporny was one of the few to understand my illustrative style. Having experience as a graphic artist as well as a bachelor's of fine arts in graphic design, illustration was a natural evolution in my development as a professional artist. Illustration here in the hallowed halls of Marshall University however was viewed as a form of lesser art. Myself never being one to go with the grain, this prejudice rarely effected my pursuit of illustrative styled painting. I knew today I would most certainly face the firing squad of the liberal art professors. "Nervous?" Sporny asked as I set up my paintings for review. "yeah, a little." I replied. "you know what your facing today right? He asked. "yup most certain death by abstract liberalism." I laughed. Sporny grinned amused. "Just remember…I got your back." He said as he disappeared down the hallway toward his office. His back up would be most appreciated. My firing squad filed in one by one. Each professor taking time in their critical review of my artwork. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to an awkward eternity of silence. After each professor took notes on their thoughts of my work and the review began. The bashing began as expected. Critiques were expelled upon my artwork with a violent wave of cynicism. I stood there in silence letting these self proclaimed deities of art smash my life's work. I looked for the one who had my back. Sporny was a no show. I had been abandoned. I felt my patience give way to a bubbling cauldron of raw anger. I defended my work drawing on every artistic strategy and design principle I could remember from my many years of study. They attacked and I attempted to counter. We danced this rhythm until they seemed satisfied in their self proclaimed victory. My work in their eyes was clearly of lesser value. I accepted this narrow minded viewpoint, breathed in, breathed out and moved on. After my beating from the faculty I had one mission in mind. To find and face the man who left me hanging. I encountered Stan meandering toward the critique area. "Over already?" He mused. "Dude you totally left me hanging back there!" I said clearly agitated. "They beat you down pretty good eh?" He said with a grin. "You could say that!" I proclaimed. "So did you defend your work?" He asked with a sly grin. "Of course I did! I won't go down without a fight!" I countered. "Good!" Stan said. "Good…Good…I thought you had my back?" I stated rather loudly. Stan got very serious as he looked me deep into my eyes puncturing my very soul. "You just learnt your most valuable lesson Jason. I know you can paint. You know you can paint. You just found your strength. The strength to stand on your own two feet." I think my mouth dropped open as I considered his words. His prophetic wisdom will forever haunt me. To this day I do not hear the voices of critique in my mind. But often when I sit in front of a canvas the words and wisdom of Stan Sporny echo from the great beyond onto my canvas. I never got to tell Stan just how important his wisdom would be in the months and years that followed that critique. I learned to stand on my own two feet in a very figurative and very physical way. His lesson would be a lesson I would need and draw upon in order to face the storm that was brewing on life's horizon.

  Chapter 1 
The memories seem almost distant now. The events that occurred that fateful day will however be etched into the unfolding painting of my life. Often I still find myself startled from my sleep. My mind jolting me from my dreams as it remembers the impact that forever changed me. The day of June 14th 2004. It was a simple day. I woke up kissed my wife and children goodbye and went to work. My uneventful work day ceased and I began a journey to exhibit a few of my paintings in a local gallery. I recall nothing amazing about this day. In all honesty this day is lost to me now. Its memories removed by the trauma. The story that follows is pieces of my own memory and stories of those who were involved.

 The impact transferred shockwaves of energy into my physical body like a massive explosion. My vehicle had been hit head on by a young girl driving a truck. Metal twisted and glass shattered as the airbags exploded into my face and chest. Dazed and confused my mind attempted grasp at reason. The impact however left my mind reeling and my lungs gasping for breath. I could now feel the pain descending upon me. Like the flames of my own personal hell an intense burning settled over most of my torn body. My mind went through an imaginary checklist of things working and things broken. My legs burned and an intense stabbing left me at a loss for words. The engine had shot backward from the collision and now mostly rested on my shattered legs. Bone protruded from the skin and blood poured from the gaping wounds. I tried to move but this only made the splintered pieces of bone grind deeper into severed flesh. My legs had been mangled and now hung connected to me by only a few strands of flesh and tendon. My lungs gasped for air only to find more intense stabbing pain. My right side screamed in agony. Breath seemed to escape me as I searched hard for its simple ecstasy. I had suffered two broken ribs. One puncturing and deflating my lung. The other shredding my liver. My insides were seared with agony. My mind screamed for any form of comfort. Comfort was denied me in these dark moments. The metallic scent of blood now permeated every aspect of my shattered world. Its crimson streams burning my hazy vision. Its taste forever carved into my senses. Gasoline and oil fumes now mingled into the air. My body attempted to flee but remained trapped in its prison of mangled wreckage. I was helpless. There seemed no hope for my survival from this situation. The agony and the abyss pulled me deeper into their dark refuge. Death's icy breathe now felt to be the only release from this torture. I could feel its talons delving deeper into my being with each passing moment. Its chill now moving through my damaged limbs and into my very mind. It was here at this moment I looked inward. They often speak of your life flashing before your eyes. I didn't really care for what was revealed. I doubted my salvation into eternity. "God save me!" I whispered. I had uttered the three words that would forever alter my life. You see my prayer for salvation was not one of physical meaning. It was a prayers for spiritual preservation. I knew in about thirty seconds I was going to stand in front of either my judge or my savior and I was afraid and ashamed of my wasted time. As the words faded into the blood soaked atmosphere something amazing occurred. The hands that created the universe paused from orchestrating the cosmic balance to hold me. Me, a lowly sin filled broken being. I was enraptured by the most intense feeling of Love one could describe. My soul knew its Maker and rejoiced in His all enveloping presence. I embraced the complete absoluteness of peace. The pain that was screaming through my torn body receded. A great distance was placed between the agony and myself. It was as if Christ himself was now once again accepting my pain upon his cross. He carried me like an infant in the arms of its mother through the dark valley of death. This was the deep magic. The essence that bound all things together now bound itself to me. Its energy and absolute spiritualness defied the very reason of earthly logic. Though I was dying I was at peace. In the distance I could now hear a siren. Every drop of blood and passing moment brought it closer. You see the great being that now held me had placed a state trooper by the name of Bryan Pack just moments away. I felt myself giving into the eternal mystery when I heard his voice. "Stay with me son! Do not go to sleep! You sleep you die!" I felt the trooper's presence now in my car. The trooper had crawled into my wreckage to do what he could for me. I knew the danger he had placed himself in and was extremely thankful for this officer. Trooper Pack became an anchor to hold onto in my journey through this valley. It seemed as though my Maker's embrace now filled my vacant veins and gave me life where life should have been forgotten. In my mind these events seemed surreal. "Is it my fault?" I asked the trooper. No son your'e on your side of the road just hang in there a bit longer." I don't know how long trooper Pack held me in that car but I am forever thankful to him for his life saving actions. I looked at the trooper through a blurry haze. I could hardly see due to the blood that poured into my eyes. "Am I going to die?" I asked not really understanding my own question. "Not on my highway, not today." The trooper stated with a certain amount of faith that helped encourage me to fight harder. "what's your name?" the trooper asked trying to lighten the situation. "Jason." I whispered. I faded in an out of the world as the valiant trooper worked to save me. The feeling of drowning in darkness was so strong. It would have been incredibly easy to pass into the darkness that seemed to suffocate me. My next memories would unfold as if I were in a dream. Others had arrived on the scene. God placing each one in the exact location they needed to be. Lori a nurse in the line of traffic behind who having a trauma kit in toe worked diligently to do what she could. Others prayed. I know this as I felt the energies and sincerity of their prayers. They gave me hope. They intertwined themselves to me and my Maker's presence keeping the darkness and death at bay. My cousin and my brother appeared on the scene as well. My cousin Chad held my brother at bay as he looked on the wreckage. "Jeremy there is no way I'm letting you any closer!" Chad screamed. My brother had gone into shock at seeing the mangled wreckage of his brother's car. Fate had spared my brother this day. Minutes before I had asked Jeremy to accompany me on my trip to town. He was unavailable at the time to make the journey so he stayed back at our home. If he would have taken the fateful trip he would have died at the scene. My passenger seat had a huge piece of the engine rammed through it. Jeremy would have been in that seat. Chad knew this as he passed my brother off onto some neighbors for care. Chad then ran to my side. I remember looking over after hearing him and asking him in my almost dream state "What happened man?" Chad's face was pale as he saw my predicament. I knew things were bad by the way Chad held his demeanor. He prodded and encouraged me to fight harder. Chad never left me, even when the emergency crews tried to chase him off. He was always a stubborn kind of guy. I admire his heart and determination. Even as I continued to fight what little fight I still possessed, the touch of my God grew stronger. He never left me that day. His presence continued to hold me and cradle me. Kevin Plantz a local fireman held the fire hose on my car. The decimated engine was sparking and he knew the fuel could ignite leaving me trapped in a blaze of pain and agony. I do not know the words to his prayer but God must have heard them loud and clear. A soft roll of thunder announced the storms presence. The clouds darkened and the very sky seemed to open up. The cool rain fell upon my face and seemed to give me refreshment. At this moment in my trial I welcomed any refreshment. The brief deluge cleared the spilt fuel from the road and saturated the engine. The sparking ended and hope seemed to hang in the air. However the storms sudden onslaught made the lifeflight chopper unable to land as it hovered over the fields. It was decided to move me to Holzer's and then life flight me to St. Mary's in Huntington West Virginia if at all possible. The emergency responders had gathering by the truck load as I became center of attention. I could feel my life was fading fast. Time was of the utmost importance. Each second that passed brought my death that much closer. Trooper Pack held me while they worked desperately to extricate me from the mangled wreckage. With each jolt, each movement I could feel my shattered bones grind harder against themselves. The pain seared my conscience as I drifted in and out. "It's going to get very noisy so just hang with me." Pack told me as they broke out the jaws of life. Suddenly the fading world came to a explosion of sound as the machine that worked to get me out shattered glass and cut through metal. It was as if a thrash metal concert was taking place inside my skull. Then complete silence replaced the former chaos. I felt the hands of the emergency crews immediately get to work at saving my life. Life was traded for something else, survival. I simply endured the pain. I embraced it, focusing on the presence that still intertwined itself to me. The spirit still held me, lifted me and gave me life. Life where there should have been none.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Queen Arts
The summer seems to have come and gone in a mad dash this year. Something I plan on finding a remedy for in my life. As most of you who pay attention could tell my aim to avoid Facebook and online activity was an epic fail. Though I avoided numerous and annoying daily status updates I discovered the saddening fact that FB has become a necessary evil. I have numerous contacts that otherwise I cannot reach in that online society. Though I do plan to continue my limited time on FB and if possibly completely avoid the site with the exception of updates and contact messages. Life is turbulent and we make it more complicated than it needs to be. Bruce Lee is quoted as stating “If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.” I possibly more than most realize the precious nature of time in relation to life. My crash in 2004 left me with a great realization of how I had wasted so much of my life. I would love to state I learnt my lesson and moved on but reality as I see it is I still have much to learn. I feel so much of these past seven years have been wasted on fruitless and wasteful endeavors and activities. “It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.” ~ Bruce Lee Ah yes Mr. Lee was a plethora of knowledge and wisdom. I am in the process at hacking away at the unessential as we speak. We here in the U.S. have a life of excess. I am reminded of Mike Shinoda’s artwork of “Glorious Excess” if you haven’t checked out the work do so at very captivating and amazing artwork and message there. I am a survivor so it is only natural I hack away at the excess until I only have what is needed for immediate survival. It will no doubt be a journey but alas I love a good journey. Speaking of journeys this summer has been filled with my share of journeys. I have danced along the tranquil sunset strip of St. Simon’s Georgia sweated with the masses as Disney in Orlando and found my zen at the beaches of St. Augustine FLA. Photos will come in time as I need to add some finesse to my photography.

Now on to the juicy bits. You may have notice the name is now Queen Arts. I had to adapt the name of my studio to include several aspects of my creative life. I wanted to create a simplified umbrella name to cover all of the creative aspects of my life, family and art. The end result of this process was Queen Arts. A name which will house a great many and different topics. One of which is my wife Christy. My wife and I now play and sing together as a group and often for our worship team at Sanctuary of Grace. We have included our music into the Altar Art performances on several occasions. Our music is a mixed bag of tunes varying from celtic worship tunes to modern christian songs. The music is pretty simplified and personal as I have no actual ability to play a musical instrument. I leave the music to my lovely wife and her amazing keyboard. My wife is also a blossoming writer. I am working on breaking her out of her protective shell and getting her works of word into the spotlight or at least her own blog. Her writings are usually parable wisdom for the current day. I often enjoy her insight into ordinary activities and how they relate to our great maker. Look for her blog coming soon to my new and updated website.

Another aspect is Altar Art. It never seemed to quite fit under my previous studios name of RogueWolf. For those of you who follow my performance series “Altar Art” I have been on a two month reprieve and have done some soul searching in the process. Before the reprieve I was at a point where I was questioning the existence of Altar Art. Basically I wanted to see if its time had come to an end. I have enjoyed my time performing for churches, concerts and youth groups but I wanted to be sure this was still the arena where my God needed me to be. I gave it time and gave it to Him. I pretty much figured if it was not meant to continue that I would receive no more inquiries into the performances. I received my answer early July with people interested in Altar Art performances after my time away. I am now booked with Altar Art through October. If you do not follow my performances please visit to see where my performance series will be. For those of you interested in booking me for an event please feel free to contact me via FB or For those of you who have no idea what I am blathering on about see the following. Altar Art is a Christ centered worship series involving music art and spoken word. A painting (usually 4’x4’) is painted in front of the crowd to music that fits the mood of the performance. I often share with you my testimony about the accident of 2004 and getting “real” with my maker. If you bring me in wether it be a concert, youth group or you just want something fresh in your worship service the painting completed is yours to keep. Altar Art is very adaptable to your service I can play to your worship band, my own CD and now am pleased to announce my wife plays and sings with me on many of these performances. Just let me know what would best fit your needs. I DO NOT CHARGE ANYTHING FOR THESE PERFORMANCES that is not what this is about. It is about a true and honest worship experience with the Creator of All. I do however accept donations or love offerings in order to keep the paint flowing but it is not a necessity in order for me to show up. I leave that aspect up to those who book me for a show. If you want me to travel out of the immediate area, I am soooooo up for a journey but please give me plenty of time so that I can set aside expenses for the trip to wherever you are. I have paint and will travel is my motto. God is the artist I am simply one of His many brushes!

RogueWolf studios will not disappear completely. It is after all a given and earned name… My native name. RogueWolf will continue to be the personal aspect to my art and creations. My deviant account and most of my personal galleries will continue to fall under RogueWolf. In this aspect of my creative side you will find my paintings illustrations, blogs, poems and personal works of art. This past summer I have had the honor of working with some very cool people through RogueWolf studios. I created a book cover for the West Virginia Book Company to a book titled “Death Visits Canaan Valley by EDWIN DARYL MICHAEL”
Death Visits Canaan Valley by ~RogueWolfStudios on deviantARTwhich will be on shelves soon. I have also completed numerous logos for various companies and groups. I completed a personal work titled “Duality of Force”
Duality of Force by ~RogueWolfStudios on deviantART for my Sci Fi Star Wars friends you should appreciate it. I am also in the process of joining the ranks of the Star Wars 501st legion. Some very cool costumes and props will be created in order to troop with this charitable group of people. A group that supports local and national causes to make a difference in the lives of people through the fun of Star Wars costuming.

Now for some interesting RogueWolf news. I plan on continuing down the illustrative path that has been lain before me but will for the most part be working on a personal project. A personal project that returns me to my creative comic days. I am in the process of writing and illustrating a graphic novel. I am keeping tight wraps around most of the details surrounding this project but for the next year I will writing and illustrating a book concerning an original character and story line. I will leak sketches and pieces of work from time to time to further peak interest in this project. So stay tuned throughout the next year to see where this adventure leads. In addition to these fun facts I will be creating prints of past works for purchase to those interested in owning an original piece of my work. Looks for prints coming soon as well as galleries from my children Morgan and Maria!

On the personal front not relating to artwork my son and I earned the red sash from our Kung Fu school - Magic Fist where we have studied bled and sweated for the past 5-6 years. My journey to weight loss is doing great! To date I have lost almost 20 pounds since April (starting at 204 now at 185). A process I need to continue and achieve in order to undergo more surgeries on my knee. I am planning on receiving another robo-knee sometime in the next year. I would like to be in the best possible shape to endure this series of surgeries to increase my mobility and decrease the daily pain I live with. In order to do this my son and I have begun kettle bell workouts and weekly workout routines. It is a joy to work out with my son by my side! My spiritual life will be another blog as it goes deep and deserves its own space. Look for it soon! until then ….Peace and prayers my friends! ~ Jason

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mayhem to Come

Greeting from RogueWolf! Hope the journey is treating everyone well. Things are pretty decent here in West Virginia, though it seems as eons have passed since we have had a brilliantly sun filled day. Thus I enshroud myself in darkness and create from my little studio in my ever darkening valley. I have posted two new works lately. One I consider a success (RogueWolf2011)
RogueWolf 2011 by *RogueWolfStudios on deviantARTand one not so much (Worgen Hunter).
Worgen Hunter by *RogueWolfStudios on deviantART I posted both on this gallery link here to learn from my mistakes and take criticism on the nose. I so desperately need honest criticism from my viewers so please feel free to comment openly and not just stroke my ego. Harsh criticism is how I became an artist. It is what drove me to succeed in my schooling. It is what made my painting maestro fabulous. My painting maestro being one Stan (The Man) Sporny. Stan passed away a few years ago and I still miss his guidance and wisdom terribly. He was a poet, artist, political philosopher and over all amazing person. When he ripped my artwork apart I knew his harsh and honest criticism was only to make me better. During my senior portfolio review Stan promised to be by my side. I knew the faculty did not care much for my illustration styled paintings as they were a very liberal abstract campus. The day of my senior review came and when the faculty gathered around my work, Stan left. I received the beating of a lifetime from the faculty. I later asked Stan why he left to which he replied "I just gave you the greatest lesson I could give to stand on your own two feet." Stan Sporny was my personal Yoda. Little did he realize a month later I would be the victim in a head on collision and almost lose my legs. During my rehabilitation his words rang loudly as I was learning to stand on my own two feet quite figuratively and physically. So being a huge Star Wars fan and always doodling with the idea of doing a Yoda painting I am currently researching the connection between all my many teachers and the zen wisdom of the little old green jedi I fell in love with as a child. Sketches will come soon as I believe I have pin pointed a direction for this painting. It should be an interesting and unique take on an old favorite. Beyond this I am planning a painting with my daughter. She has approached me with interest in being a (Queen of Faeries) for a portrait so I will be taking her young mind into the creative realm of Fairy lore. This may be a traditional piece or a digital piece and possibly both. I hope my viewers will find interest in these works to come. Please as always feel free to contact me, critique me or even throw ideas at me for future paintings. I am almost to he point where I can send my portfolio to companies and clients interested in my illustrations. After that the direction of RogueWolf studios should be interesting and non stop action! God Bless~ Jason