Saturday, January 26, 2013


So my original plan of going missing has been sidelined for the time being. I will be displaying my work at Tri-Con comic convention in Huntington WVA April 6th 2013. For the next few months all my energy, time and resources will be put into getting artwork ready for this show. I will be creating at least 4-5 new pieces for purchase along with prints of my old work. I have also been asked to create a VIP print for the VIP ticket holders of this event. A very special work of art that certain sci-fi geeky guys like myself would love to have hanging on teh wall. I will reveal more on this later. I am working toward originals and prints of new artwork containing my fave all time bad bounty hunter Boba Fett, of course Dr. Who, Firefly (serenity) art, A very cool Darth Vader and a few other possibilities dependent on time. 

On the costume front I have created and am in the final stages of my Mando Merc costume. I am working up a back story and name but any cool ideas for a name and back story are of course most welcome. On the 501st front I will be working toward a Darth Nihilus costume to be paired with my wife's Visa Marr. Yeah finally talked the wife into being one of the bad guys who do good.

Also so very pumped for the possibilities of Star Wars in 2015 with Disney funds. I have some great very goofy art in mind for the future concerning this! 

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